22 research outputs found

    3D survey technologies: Investigations on accuracy and usability in archaeology. The case study of the new "Municipio" underground station in Naples

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    Advanced 3D survey technologies, such as Digital Photogrammetry (imaged based) and Laser Scanner, are nowadays widely used in Cultural Heritage and Archaeological fields. The present paper describes the investigations realized by the Laboratory Hesutech of the Polytechnic of Milan in cooperation with the Superintendence Archaeology Campania in order to examine the potentiality of Image Based Modeling (IBM) systems applied to the archaeological field for advanced documentation purposes. Besides the 3D model production workflow in an uncommon excavation environment, a special consideration about the reached accuracy will be discussed. In the first part of the research, a comparison between photogrammetric camera parameters obtained with IBM systems and the ones provided with the calibration certificate by the manufacturer of the camera is performed. In the second part of the research, the operational phases of the application of such advanced 3D survey technologies are shown. The test field is the archaeological excavation area for the construction of the new "Municipio" underground station in Naples. Due to its position in one of the historical area of the city, its construction coexists with the archaeological excavations and it is strictly tied to their evolution. In such conditions, the need to reduce as much as possible the time to build the public infrastructure is a very relevant feature together with the ability to produce accurate documentation of what is considered archaeologically important

    Archeologia e città: la ricostruzione della linea di costa

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    This report describes the evolution of the coast landscape facing the oldest core of Naples re-built, through the archaeological excavations, during the works to realize the lines 1 and 6 of the metro. The archaeological intervention has been a unique knowledge opportunity, for its wide dimension and for the fact that it has developed in a single topographic compartment such as the city water front. It is remarkable because of the interlacement of different factors: for its technical and methodological complexity, for the importance of the scientific acquisitions, for the strict relationship with an engineering public work included into one of he most important transformations of the contemporary city, started by the Transportation Municipal Plan. First of all it should be stressed that the investigations, from the methodological-procedural point of view, give evidence of an early and preventive archaeological activity, started already in the mid ‘90s of the 20th century, in a period being very far from the present laws in force which control the archaeological impact of public works. In concomitance of the implementation of archaeological safeguard specific regulations in the variant of the City of Naples Master Plan, based on the arrangement among the Ministry of the Cultural Heritage and Environmental Conservation, the Municipality of Naples and the Metropolitan Company, concessionary for the works, the archaeological activities have been implemented, from the preliminary surveys to the extensive investigations on the stations within the public work program, of which they have become a preliminary and unavoidable operating phase. The project of the line 1, targeted to link the hill area, recently served by an effective rail way system, to the oldest core of Naples settlement, avoids the Neapolis urban area, entailing a route immediately outside it, placed in the Rettifilo district restored by the Società del Risanamento (Restoration Company) in the late nineteenth-century. The surface presence of stratum water had been a condition that had always barred the possibility, though traditional methodologies, of wide knowledge investigations and of eventual compartments of archaeological exploitation. If those environmental influences had blocked the explorations in the coastal strip of the historic downtown, now they have been implemented in the realization of the public work by the complex building technologies of the stations, starting from the delimitation bulkheads and the other technical devices. Consequently a huge operation of “urban archaeology” began, one of the most important on European level, which, through the systematic excavation of all the stations (Toledo, Municipio, Università, Duomo, Garibaldi) and the relative ventilation rooms, although with operating difficulties and complex problems of safeguard and exploitation, has exponentially increased the knowledge of the evolution regarding the Neapolitan urban coast landscape


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    Già nel contributo al convegno di Venosa dell’Aprile del 1987 dedicato all’espansionismo romano del sud-est d’Italia si sono esaminati i dati materiali relativi a Benevento nel momento precedente la deduzione coloniaria del 268 a.C., evidenziando come - a prescindere da indizi sporadici di età protostorica e arcaica - essi si concentrino nella seconda metà del IV sec. a.C. È sembrato, così, di poter sottolineare l’emergere della comunità beneventana immediatamente prima dell’inserimento nell’..

    Partenope, Neapolis e la fronte del porto

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    o Réalisation : Jean-Christophe Besset o Centre Jean Berard, Naples, Italie 2019 o Film réalisé dans le cadre de l’Atelier de la Méditerranée « Ports et zones portuaires de la Méditerranée Antique »o Session 3 Culture et identitéo Modérateur : Gil Gambash (Université de Haifa, HCMH)The paper concerns the theme of the coastal landscape of ancient Naples and its employment dynamics over time, linking the data already known from historical and archaeological literature to new elements uncovered from excavations conducted following the path of the subway lines created along the coastal strip where the sites of Parthenope and Neapolis were located.Neapolis is the new polis founded in the late 6th or early 5th century BC, Parthenope the previous Greek settlement founded by the inhabitants of the city of Cumae on the hill of Pizzofalcone at the end 8th century BC.This contribution runs through the protohistoric precedents, dealing with the archaic and classical phases of Parthenope and Neapolis, up to the Hellenistic age when an important refunctionalization of the harbour basin uncovered in piazza Municipio (Municipio station) was carried out.The theme of the chronological and topographical articulation of the two sites of Parthenope and Neapolis is developed by interpolating the environmental and archaeological data of the settlements and the harbour with those of the material culture which contributed to define the chronology and dynamics of their relationship

    Scarti di ceramica comune di età ellenistica dallo scavo di piazza. Nicola Amore a Napoli: dati preliminari sulla produzione

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    1. Premessa Le indagini archeologiche effettuate dalla Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Caserta in concomitanza con i lavori per la costruzione delle stazioni della linea 1 della metropolitana di Napoli, hanno arricchito il patrimonio di informazioni sulle modalità insediative della fascia costiera della città (Giampaola 2004a, Giampaola 2005b, Carsana 2007b) e sulla sua cultura materiale (Carsana 2004, Carsana 2007a) in un largo arco temporale dalla preistoria ad età modern..

    La fascia costiera di Napoli: dallo scavo al museo della città

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    Argomento della relazione è la ricostruzione del paesaggio costiero di Neapolis delineato attraverso gli scavi per la realizzazione della linea 1 della Metropolitana di Napoli e la valorizzazione urbanistica e museale ad essi sottesa. Per motivi di tempo e per la grande risonanza suscitata dalle scoperte saranno descritti soprattutto il paesaggio più antico e i dati sul porto di Neapolis emerso in piazza Municipio, dall’età greca ad età bizantina, con un accenno alle problematiche urbane di e..

    Evoluzione del paesaggio costiero tra Parthenopee Neapolis

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    Il paesaggio costiero fra Parthenope e Neapolis è stato ridisegnato dopo i recenti risultati ottenuti dagli studi archeologici, geo-archeologici e stratigrafici effettuati durante i lavori per il completamento delle stazioni della nuova metropolitana di Napoli. In particolare è stata identificata l’antica linea di costa, nonchè le sue variazioni nel tempo, e la posizione del porto della città greco-romana nell’insenatura presente fra Piazza Bovio e Piazza Municipio. Gli scavi nel sito di Municipio hanno messo in luce una successione di sedimenti di riempimento dell’antico bacino portuale che fu attivo dal tardo iv – inizio iii secolo a.C. fino all’inizio del v secolo d.C.. Grazie alla scoperta di tre relitti di navi romane e di varie strutture portuali, fra cui un molo e dei pali, nonché di numerosi oggetti sui diversi fondali stratigraficamente sovrapposti, è stato possibile ricostruire la storia della frequentazione di questa parte del porto di Neapolis.The coastal landscape between Parthenope and Neapolis has been redrawn in light of recent archaeological and geoarchaeological investigations undertaken during the construction of the Naples Underground Line 1. The ancient coastline, together with changes during the past centuries, has been precisely identified and the harbour of the Greco-Roman city has been located in the large cove between Municipio square and Bovio square. The Municipio station excavation revealed several different levels of the harbor bottom, which was used from the late fourth or early third century BC to the early fifth century AD. Thanks to the discovery of three shipwrecks and various structures, including a mole and piers, it has been possible to reconstruct the history of this part of the port of Neapolis.Le paysage littoral entre Parthenope et Neapolis a été reconstitué à partir de données archéologiques et géoarchéologiques lors des travaux de construction des stations du métro de Naples. La mobilité des anciennes lignes de rivage a pu être précisée ainsi que la localisation du port gréco-romain entre les places Municipio et Bovio. Les fouilles de la place Municipio on révélé plusieurs couches de sables portuaires utilisées entre le iiie siècle avant J.-C. et le ve siècle après J.-C. La découverte de trois épaves et de nombreuses structures portuaires (môle, pontons…) permettent de reconstituer l’histoire de cette portion du port antique de Neapolis

    Nuovi relitti dagli scavi del porto antico di Napoli

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    L’operazione di “archeologia urbana” avviata a Napoli nell’ambito dei lavori per la realizzazione delle linee 1 e 6 della Metropolitana si è rivelata un’occasione irripetibile di conoscenza del paesaggio costiero antistante il nucleo più antico della città. Nel 2004, nel pozzo di stazione a piazza Municipio, sono stati indagati un settore del bacino portuale e i resti di tre imbarcazioni d’epoca imperiale (Napoli A-C). Tra il 2013 e il 2015, l’esplorazione per il pozzo di stazione della linea 6 ha permesso di chiarire la situazione del litorale prospiciente il bacino portuale, mentre l’indagine nella zona di raccordo tra i pozzi di stazione e l’attuale Stazione Marittima (area 4) ha portato al rinvenimento di quattro nuovi relitti databili tra l’epoca repubblicana e l’impero (Napoli E-H). L’articolo presenterà, in via del tutto preliminare, le operazioni di scavo archeologico, documentazione e recupero di questi nuovi relitti. The operation of “urban archaeology” started in Naples during the construction of metro lines 1 and 6 has been a unique opportunity to investigate the coastal landscape facing the ancient town. In 2004, the harbor basin and the remains of three boats (Naples A-C) dating to the imperial era have been investigated in the Municipio station shaft. Between 2013 and 2015, the investigations for the line 6 station shaft has clarified the situation of the shoreline overlooking the harbor basin, while the investigation into the junction zone between the station shafts and the Stazione Marittima (area 4) led to the discovery of four new wrecks dating between the Republican era and the Empire (Naples E-H). The article will present the preliminary results of archaeological excavation, documentation and recovery of these new wrecks